Description: C:\00 INVENTO 2022\web\index_files\image001.jpgWJETech (we push from the inside)



Mobility solutions for spacecraft.




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Propulsion for your cubesat See Now         Please see our introduction here         See our upcoming cubesat here            Plaque

Extending satellites useful life (positioning)

(Beyond “all electric” satellites)

Arduino Space Drive

 Receiving information from a probe to Proxima Centauri in our lifetime








The importance of extending a satellite’s usefulness is quite straightforward, satellites are very expensive.


A satellite can cost around US$ 300 million (spy satellites are often more expensive) and US$ 80 million to US$ 400 million to place in orbit, therefore prolonging the satellite’s useful life increases chance of a reasonable return on the investment.




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Satellites (especially spy satellites) occasionally need to modify their position, they do this by using small thrusters (Fig 1) that use fuel/propellant, when the propellant tank is empty the satellite is stuck in its position and cannot make even minor corrections necessary for operation.


Many newer (so called “all electric satellites”) use electrical thrusters (ion or others Fig 2) that offer LESS thrust but a greater fuel efficiency permitting a longer useful life.


We offer the use of fluid thrusters (Fig 3) that create more thrust (28 millinewtons) than most ion drives and longer useful life as it does not expel propellant.


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With the advantage going to the Fluid Drive, this is especially true when it comes to reconnaissance satellites




Many persons still mistakenly believe that it is not possible for a closed box to accelerate by pushing itself from the inside, please see where a simple DIY test/demonstration is described.


Next steps


Planetary exploration

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Solar system exploitation/Asteroid defecting


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Probes to Centauri systems


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See an Alternative method to transport Zac Manchester’s PCB-starship to Alpha Centauri.



          Contact Information


        William John Elliott S.
        (Exit code) 56-2-2042863
        (Exit code) 56-9-85530114

        Whatsapp +56985530114
        william.john.elliott (contact on Skype)


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