WJETech (we push from the inside)
Propulsion for your cubesat
Wjetech is a developer of mobility solutions for spacecraft.
Presenting our turnkey propulsion system for cubesats and small satellites.
Our demonstrated propelentless propulsion(1) module can produce a constant 10 milinewtons(2) of force requiring only 12v to function.
This will give your space asset unlimited delta-v
Wjetech Spa is a technological aerospace startup founded October 2019 initially financed by Corfo (Chilean economic development agency) and micro investors.
We have the backing of ACHIDE (Asociación Chilena del Espacio)
Please send your inquiries to wjeconsultant@gmail.com
Additional Information and notes
1- Some people that haven't examined our method yet refuse to accept the possibility of a working propellantless propulsion system, many great innovations were met with initial disbelief, a few examples:
In 1827, Georg Ohm introduced Ohm’s law, despite now being so fundamental to the physics of electricity, this law wasn’t well-received by other scientists. The German education minister of that time considered Georg Ohm’s findings as heresies and said that, "a physicist who professed such heresies was unworthy to teach science."
In the mid-1800s, Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that washing hands with a chlorinated lime solution could dramatically reduce the mortality rate of women giving birth in hospitals. However, his discovery was initially rejected by the medical community, and Semmelweis was eventually dismissed from his job. In 1865, he was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later.
In 1919 when Robert H. Goddard, considered the father of modern rocketry published his groundbreaking work, “A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes” the New York Times wrote dismissively “Goddard only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.”
2- 10 milinewtons is a small force, about the force necessary to lift a paper clip (less than existing ion engines) but as it will generate that force as long as 12v is applied, it can accelerate for hours, days, months or more.
For that reason, we can offer you unlimited delta-v for your spacecraft